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Subject: Help me with this please (Political News) Message: The Nine Tons of UF6 Gas Brought to Natanz Could Be Used for One Atom Bomb
On February 20, 2007, the conservative Iranian news agency Aftab said, in a report attributed to Western sources, that Iran had "at the beginning of the month transferred a container of nine tons of UF6 gas to the nuclea
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Subject: I need this in Farsi please Message: In drawing our attention to ways in which networks and shared values function as resource for people and organisations,the concept of social capital has earned its share of social scientific limelight.
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Subject: A friend of mine told me I get this translated to Farsi here Message: He has dystopia. It appears to be rather a society of constant television oglers,typified by political apathy and casual disregard ,where poverty go untackled and prospects of economic prosperity are bleak.
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Subject: We need it as a public notice, please help. Message: BABY CHANGING FACILITIES AVAILABLE IN THE FEMALE CHANGING ROOMS
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Subject: Your urgent help is highly appreciated. Message: Where do you live? Can we call anyone to let them know you're in the hospital?
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Subject: Please help Message: NO SMOKING!
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Subject: Could you please translate this into Farsi? Message: The government has adopted a very liberal attitude towards tax reforms.
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Subject: ممنون میشوم اگر به انگلیسی ترجمه کنید. Message:
سخنگوی مجلس با رهبر جمهوری اسلامی دیدار نمود.
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Subject: Please translate into Farsi Message: The new minister admitted off the record the new cabinet would fail.
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Subject: ترجمه ی یک اطلاح سیاسی به انگلیسی Message:
رژیم ارتجاعی
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Subject: I need this in Farsi Please Message: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shown slaughtering an American
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Subject: ترجمه به فارسی Message: The bad news was suppressed by the government.
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Subject: خواهش میکنم جملات زیر را به فارسی ترجمه کنید. Message: Where these problems exist, there are likely to be tendencies within state organizations towards limited accountability to users or beneficiaries of services, soft budget constraints, diversion of resources to private or sectional ends, wasting of resources on unproductive activities (e.g. lobbying)
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Subject: معنی یک عبارت انگلیسی به فارسی Message: floating vote
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Subject: Please help me with this: Message:
آخرين برگ اين پرونده كلان فساد اقتصادي، آزادي مجرم بود.
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Subject: ترجمه ی یک عبارت به زبان انگلیسی Message:
دفاع وزير اقتصاد از مصوبات برنامه چهارم درباره سيستم بانكي
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Subject: به ترجمه این جمله به زبان انگلیسی نیاز است. ممنون Message:
رئيس سازمان بازرسي و نظارت بر قيمت و توزيع كالا و خدمات يادآور شد دولت توانايي انجام امور خارج از توان و ظرفيت را ندارد.
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Subject: tarjomeh be engelisi lotfan Message:
در اين جلسه همچنين لوايح دو فوريتي مديريت پسماند ها و استفساريه ماده 6 قانون انتخابات به تصويب رسيد.
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Subject: واقعا متشکر میشوم اگر کسی در ترجمه این جمله به زبان انگلیسی مرا یاری دهد. Message:
اين آيين نامه به صورت آزمايشي در سال تحصيلي جاري در 100 مدرسه مقطع ابتدايي سراسر كشور اجرا مي شود.
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Subject: Hello dear sirs and dear madams. Wish u would translate this: Message: Lost treasures of Kabul Afghanistan's national museum used to house one of the world's most precious collections. Today it stands empty - its windows blown out. So where are the missing artifacts?
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Subject: Can you translate this into Persian? Message:
آيت الله جنتي افزود: با تدبير رهبر معظم انقلاب هسته مركزي احياي امر به معروف و نهي از منكر تشكيل شده است و همه مردم بويژه مسئولان دستگاه ها بايد با عمل به وظيفه خود در اين زمينه اين فريضه كمرنگ شده را در جامعه احيا كنند.
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Subject: ترجمه ی یک جمله ناقابل به انگلیسی Message:
وزير امورخارجه در راستاي سفر اروپايي خود روز چهارشنبه در برلين با گرهارد شرودر صدراعظم و يوشكا فيشر وزير امورخارجه آلمان ديدار و تبادل نظر مي كند.
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Subject: Could you please help me with this (Farsi Translation is needed) Message: Xavier Solana also mentioned that: the relationship with Iran has a special significance for European Union and the European Union considers the talks with Iran as something necessary.
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Subject: Bargardane be Farsi lotfan Message: In your opinion why America never intervenes in a country such as Japan?
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Subject: فارسی به انگلیسی Message:
مديرعامل شركت هواپيمايي آسمان با ارسال نمابري به دفتر روزنامه تصريح كرد: فرودگاه امام(ره) هنوز آشيانه اي ندارد و امكانات براي اعمال استانداردها محدود است.
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Subject: فارسی به انگلیسی لطفا Message:
هدف اصلي مجلس هفتم مبارزه با فقر فساد و تبعيض در جامعه است
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Subject: لطفا به انگلیسی ترجمه کنید. خیلی ممنونم Message:
.مجلس هفتم در برنامه چهارم توسعه تجديدنظر مي كند
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Subject: ترجمه به انگلیسی Message:
دشواري هاي عدالت، سازندگي، اصلاحات و خدمتگزاري را بايد از همين زاويه ديد و كاويد
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Subject: How do we say this in Farsi? Message: The juridical support of Intifada of the nation of Palestine
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Subject: komak baraye tarjome be farsi Message: The former president of Poland says the joining of his country to the European Unity has fulfilled his desire. The 61-year-old leader of the Coordination syndicate who is spending a peaceful life far from policy in Gedansk(north of Poland) in a friendly chat with the Zichieh Vorzhavi says all his wi
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Subject: ترجمه ی متن سیاسی به فارسی - با تشکر فراوان Message: The Turkish press reported last year that Ansar Al-Islam organization was formed in 2001 with the propose of making unity among Moslem groups and fan of Islamic system in the north of Iraq and turning to the 3rd power in this region after Barzani and Talebani’ forces.
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Subject: Help with a sentence (English - Farsi) Message: In an open letter 50 former public officials of the US have accused Bush that he has dissipated the credit, respect and friends of the US through his Middle East policies and asked him to review his support from Israel as soon as possible.
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Subject: Is it national anthem of Iran? Message:
سر زد از افق مهر خاوران فروغ ديده حق باوران بهمن فر ايمان ماست پيامت ا.. ايران
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Subject: English - Farsi Message: No reports were received on this incident about an hour after these explosions which accompanied some shooting according to some of the inhabitants and the U.S army announced that they didn't know the cause of this incident.
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Subject: Can you translate this into Farsi? Message: According to France press agency from Washington, the 53-page report by General “Antonio Tagoya” which contains the label of “confidential-not be available for the foreigners”, countering the claims put forth by chief of the common headquarter of the US Army, General “Richard Mayers” emphasizes: m
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Subject: English translation needed, thank you Message:
صدها دانشجوي عرب ديروز با شركت در تظاهرات در شهر تل آويو، اقدام «آريل شارون» نخست وزير رژيم صهيونيستي در اجراي همه پرسي درمورد تعيين سرنوشت ملت فلسطين را محكوم كردند
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Subject: please translate to Farsi Message: The US ambassador in Arabia: Riyadh’s fight against terrorism will last for years. The US ambassador in Arabia announced that Riyadh’s fight against terrorism would last for years. According to Reuters : ”James Ubertor” who was speaking with journalists after talking with the authorities in Yanbae a
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Subject: خشونت Message:
تعريف : مشتمل است از فعاليت ها، الفاظ، ذهنيت ها وسيستم هايي که مردم را از رسيدن به استعداد هاي عالي شان مانع و باعث زيان هاي فزيکي ، رواني ، اجتماعي يا محيطي گردد. ابعاد خشونت بطور عام خشونت مطابق نظريه فوق دو بعد دارد 1- بعد قابل رويت 2- بعد غير قابل رويت که قابل لمس نيست .
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Subject: Translation of Swedish national anthem in Farsi Message: That is what I need:
Du gamla, du fria, du fjällhöga Nord,
Du tysta, du glädjerika sköna!
Jag hälsar dig, vänaste land uppå jord,
Din sol, din himmel, dina ängder gröna.
Din sol, din himmel, dina ängder gröna.
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Subject: ترجمه ی انگلیسی این متن مورد نیاز است. با تشکر Message: چهارمين همايش تشكل هاي غيردولتي زيست محيطي شمال غرب كشور در اسفند ماه در زنجان برگزار شد. همايش خیلی خوب برگزار شد. و حضار از مطالب ارائه شده و نحوه برگزاری جلسات اظهار رضایت کردند.
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Subject: Translation from English to Persian Message: Can some one please tell my what Queen Elizabeth is in Persian?
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Subject: I need a translation to Arabic and Farsi Message: I need the phrase "God Bless America" translated to Arabic and Persian please! with arabic and persian script.
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Subject: Déclaration des droits de l'homme Message: Sauriez-vous m'envoyer la traduction en persan de la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme
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