In the process of
Proofreading of Farsi
translation, we correct
the print mistakes, spelling mistakes,
punctuation marks and grammar errors.
We also check every
sentence and phrase and make sure that they
have been
translated accurately by comparing the original
file to the translation.
Proofreading is an inseparable part of all Farsi
(Persian) translation jobs we undertake in
TimaSearch, and the amount of money we charge
you for translation does cover a compete
proofreading. However if you have done your
translation by some Farsi freelance translator
or another company,
and you are not sure about the quality of the
final translation, you are quite welcomed to
summit your translation for a thorough
proofreading. In addition to
necessary corrections of grammatical, and
spelling mistakes, we make
sure that the choice of words and
the style of sentences
are in harmony with the
original text.
In order to make sure
that your translation is
accurate and up
to date we appoint all
our proofreaders in a way
that they only check documents written in
their mother tongues. For
translation into Farsi (Persian), we use Farsi
native speakers. For translations into other
languages, we use native speakers of those
languages respectively (currently English,
Arabic, French, German, and Russian). About our
proofreading fees, we can ensure you that they
are extremely reasonable. You can simply
get a
quick quote, and judge it by yourself.
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