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ameneh ghasemi
Faramarz Aslani? (English Translation)
Can anyone put this into English?

Ageh ye rooz beri safar, Beri ze pisham bi khabar Asire royaha misham Dobareh baz tanha misham Beh shab migam pisham bemoone Beh bad migam ta sob bekhoone Bekhoone az diyare yari Chera miri tanham mizari? Ageh faramoosham koni, Tarke aghoosham koni Parandeye darya misham, Too chang-e mowj raha misham Beh del migam khamoosh bemoone Beh bad migam ta sob bekhoone Bekhoone az diyare yari, Ke toosh mano tanha nazari Ageh ye roozi noome tow, Too gooshe man seda koneh Dobareh baz ghamet biyad, Ke mano mobtala koneh Beh del migam karish nabashe, Bezare darde tow dava she Bereh tooye tamoome joonam, Ke baz barat avaz bekhoonam Ageh bazam delet mikhad, Yare yekdigar bashim Mesale ayoome ghadim Beshinim o sahar pashim Bayad delet rangi begire, Dobareh ahangi begire Beh gire rang-e oon diyari, Keh toosh mano tanha nazari Ageh mikhay pisham bemooni Biya ta baghiyeh javooni Biya ta poost beh ostokhooneh Nazar delam tanha bemoone Bezar shabam rangi begire Dobareh ahangi begire Begireh rang-e oon diyari Keh toosh mano tanha nazari



Name: purandokht naderi
Well it is not really easy for translation but i will give it a try:

If one day you on a trip and leave me without letting me know in advance, I will be captivated by dreams, I will be lonely again, I will tell the night to stay with me, I will tell the wind to sing till morning. It should sing for me about the place of a lover, Why do you go and leave me alone? If you forget me, If you leave my hug, I will be come the traveler of seas, I will let myself free in the claws of the wave, I will tell my heart to stay silent.It should sing for me about the place of a lover, Why do you go and leave me alone? If one day your name calls me in my ear, if one day the sadness about you comes to me and strikes me, I will tell my heart not to worry, and ask it to let your miseries comes to and end, It goes into my life, so that I can sing for you again, If your heart still wants us to be lovers for each other, just like old days, we sit together and we get up early in the morning, Your heart should get some color, there should be some melodies in your heart, It should take the color of the place in which you never leave me alone, If you want to stay with me, come to while I am still young. come to me while my skin is on my bones, don't let my heart to be alone, let my night take a color, let it get a melody, it takes the color of the place in which you never leave me alone.


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